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Get to Know Massage Therapist Akela Derksen!


Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Akela is one of our massage therapists that works out of our Pandosy location. We are super excited to have her on our team! If you want to book into Akela's schedule head over to our booking page or give our Pandosy clinic a call at 250-762-8932. We asked Akela some questions so you can get to know her better!

massage therapy

What made you want to work at Neumovement?

Two of my biggest passions in life are helping others understand their body and

movement. NeuMovement offers a space where I am able to do both of those things on

a daily basis. Nothing is better than watching clients create a better relationship

with their bodies.

How would you describe your treatment style?

I like to think that my massage style is a perfect mix of therapeutic and relaxing. I don’t

believe in the “no pain, no gain” mentality. When the body feels safe and relaxed the real

magic happens. I am a true believer in the mind-body connection and that we must first

calm our nervous system before treating anything physical. I use a variety of massage

techniques, such as myofascial release, Swedish massage, trigger point release, and

PNF stretching to help my clients feel their best.

What was the best vacation you ever took and why?

My husband and I recently spent 2 months travelling around South and Central America.

While there we volunteered at an animal refuge in Bolivia, paraglided in Colombia, and

got our PADI scuba diving certification in Costa Rica. We had the trip of a lifetime and it’s

safe to say I caught the travel bug.

massage therapy

Do you live by any piece of advice or motto?

It might sound cliche, but I try my hardest to just live in the present. I have the words

“this is it” tattooed on my wrist to remind me that we only really have this moment, so

there is no use dwelling in the past, or worrying about the future.

What made you want to become a Massage therapist?

I actually went to school to become a Dietitian, however, during one of my summers off I

met a massage therapist who sold me on massage therapy. I completely changed my

career path and haven’t looked back since. I am able to help people both mentally and

physically, while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It is truly my dream job.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Croatia is at the top of my list currently. It has turquoise waters, good wine and food, and

a rich history. I’ll get there someday.

Who or what inspires you in your life?

Nature has always been my biggest inspiration. There is nothing I love more than being

surrounded by towering mountains, evergreen trees, and blue waters.

massage therapy

Do you have a favourite type of exercise?

It’s almost impossible to choose just one. I constantly feel like I don't have enough time

for all my physical hobbies. My top three favourites would be hiking, weightlifting, and


Describe yourself in three words

Grounded, curious, outgoing

massage therapy

Book your massage therapy appointment with Akela now!

Pandosy: 250-762-8932


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